I was so excited when I got an e-mail about the latest Modcloth sale! I don't if I will actually buy anything, but it's fun to just window shop sometimes. :)
We are enjoying some more snow here in Southern Ohio!
We had snow days on Thursday & Friday.....So that brings the grand total to 6.
We only three free snow days this year, and at this rate we'll be in school until mid-June, but I don't care! I absolutely adore Snow Days!
I'm trying to do a craft or sewing project every snow day. Thursday I added some belt loops to a pair of thrifted jeans and Friday I altered a sweatshirt that I thrifted over the summer.
I enjoyed watching tv and playing board games with my family, but we are all on each other's nerves! I think we'll be glad to go back to school tomorrow :)
Well, I did it..... I started a blog!!! <3 I'm not really sure what it will be about, but I have been quite inspired by other blogs, and I decided to give it a try!
I will most likely post about.....moi!
What I like, what I don't like, music, vintage, fashion, and Francais!